Consolata Missionaries: Continental Assembly for America taking place at Bogotá, Colombia.
Day 3 - Sunday, February 2
The Regional and Group Superiors of the Consolata Missionaries in America, led by the members of the General Government, were taken to a Consolata property in Chinauta (2 and a half hours from Bogotá) in order to have the Continental Council meeting; as it was a Sunday the whole day was taken in a relaxed manner: after the celebration of the Holy Mass we gathered for two hours and, in the first hour we looked at the work done so far in the previous meetings of the Council; in the second hour we looked into the plan of work for the assembly due to start the following day and made few adjustments.
Day 4 - Monday, February 3
The Continental Assembly started at 6:30 am with Mgr. Joaquin Pinzón IMC giving us a talk about "Saints and Missionaries": The first Bishop of the recently created Vicariate of Puerto Legízamo, in the Province of Solano - a region in the Colombian Amazonia - led the assembly in a reflection of ninety minutes about our Founder's heritage, drawing inspiration from the Gospel according to Mark.
The participants in the Assembly started their work by being made aware of the journey done so far regarding the mission 'ad gentes' in the Continent, taking into account some preparation documents and the minutes of the previous Continental Councils: Toronto 2012 and Buenos Aires 2013.
During the second part of the day, the Superior General, his Vice and the General Administrator gave us an overview of the Consolata Missionary Institute in its service to the proclamation of the Gospel in the other Continents.
The day ended with an Eucharistic Con-celebration presided by Fr. Stefano Camerlengo, the Superior General, where he concluded the theme started earlier on and challenged the Assembly to be open to embrace a changing attitude for the sake of a better service to the mission: "The world is changing, and we also need to change in order to have our Charisma continually connected with the mission 'ad gentes'.
Dia 5 - Tuesday, February 4
This day opened with a spiritual reflection by Deacon Lawrence Ssimwba IMC about the "Family Spirit" according to our Blessed Founder Joseph Allamano, as an african contribution to the building up of the Continent America.
After breakfast the missionaries started putting together the Missionary Project for the Continent, as the contributions regarding each one of the "missionary options" - priority areas of the mission chosen by the XII Chapter of the Consolata Missionaries - were presented to the Assembly by the delegates of the groups of missionaries that reflected upon them.
Two "options" were presented to the Assembly: the Mission in the context of Amazonia and Mission in the Indigenous environment. Following the presentation of the delegates' contribution the Assembly would spend some time reflecting upon the theme and, sometimes, adding or suggesting additional points of view.
We concluded the day's work around the Altar where the Vice General Superior, Fr. Dietrich Pendawazima, led the missionaries in the celebration of the Holy Mass and offered his word regarding the centrality of our Blessed Founder's dream and work aimed at starting a religious family dedicated to proclaiming the Good News to all peoples.