28 dezembro 2013

the ministry of serving

Yair Alberto, a 34 year old Consolata missionary from Columbia, was today ordained Deacon by laying on of hands of Bishop John A. Boissonneau, auxiliary Bishop of Toronto.

The ceremony took place at St. Andrew's Parish in Etobicoke, Toronto - Canada, at the evening Mass in a fully packed church with parishioners, with friends of the newly ordained Deacon Yair and with benefactors of the Consolata Institute.

All the Consolata members of the Toronto community were present, together with two Consolata missionaries from Montreal, a number of other priests and Deacon Joseph who ministers at St. Andrew's.

Mgr. Boissonneau highlighted the Deacon's ministry comparing it with Joseph's attitude of getting up and being ready to follow God's voice for the service of the Holy Family.

After the Eucharist a reception followed in the parish hall.

21 dezembro 2013

Christmas Carols at St. Andrew’s

As the feast of Christ's birth is approaching the Knights of Columbus, Council of St. Therese of Calcutta, put in motion a process for a evening of Carols singing by all the choirs of St. Andrew's Parish.

Today, December 21, the community gathered to participate and enjoy a beautiful evening of Carols singing in diverse languages.

The choirs of the different Eucharistic celebrations that take place on Sundays took their turn in sharing their singing gifts with the assembly; besides the different languages there also were different ages, from children to youngsters to grown ups.

The great evening of singing was concluded with a beautiful moment where all the choirs sang together a Christmas song before heading to the hall for a time of fellowship and sharing.

Merry Christmas to all parishioners of St. Andrew's!

Click here to see more pictures


This Christmas, as it has been done in the past, the Conference of St. Vincent De Paul involved  the whole Parish of St. Andrew's in sharing food items, toys and clothing with the people in need living around St. Andrew's community.

During the first three weekends in December the parishioners brought their donations to the church. The six schools that exist in the parish territory were also involved in collecting items to be shared with the less fortunate ones; the students of two classes of one high school, as they came to attend Mass at the church, brought their food donations carrying them in their backpacks under a heavy snow storm.

On Friday, December 20, a great group of Volunteers - of all ages - sorted out all the items and placed them in numbered boxes, ready to be collected.

Today, December 21, the people in need started arriving at 9 am: over 120 persons came to receive their Christmas hampers, together with a Christmas card and a voucher for veggies. 

Our greatest gratitude to everyone who helped making life easier and warmer for some of our brothers and sisters.

Happy and blessed Christmas!

Click here to see more pictures

20 dezembro 2013

Volunteers' Day

 On Friday, December 13th, 2013, the Consolata Missionaries celebrated a Mass of thanksgiving and Luncheon for all of the people who have and continue to help us in our work at the Mission Centre. Fr. Fernandes, the local superior, and F. Peter con-celebrated the Mass. The other fathers had previous commitments preventing them from being present.

During the homily, Fr. Fernandes thanked the volunteers for their years of service. Their presence is important for us missionaries because they form part of the history of this mission on Islington.

Their work varies from doing the laundry, cooking for fundraising events, packing clothes for the poor, holding garage sales, maintaining the grounds and raising funds for external missions. All of this is important because everything is done for the Lord.

After the Eucharist, we continued our celebration in the Dining Hall with a delicious meal prepared by our new volunteer friends from Italy. After the blessing of the food, we had a leisurely lunch while talking with each other.

Thanks to the generosity of Emma Foods, we were also able to give out fresh Milan panettones to each of the volunteers. Unfortunately, some of our volunteers were unable to attend the celebration due to ill health. However, we are certain that the prayers offered for them during the Mass will lead to their rapid recovery.

We thank the Lord for the grace and privilege of serving Him as missionaries and for always sending us collaborators to work with for His Heavenly Kingdom.

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

Father Peter Turrone IMC

16 dezembro 2013

First Consolata Missionaries' deacons in South Africa

On December 14, 2013, Mgr. José L. Ponce de León - Bishop of Manzini, Swaziland - ordained Deacons four Consolata missionaries at St Martin the Porres' parish in Woodlands (Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal). (from left, in the photograph):

Mrosso Patrick Francis IMC (Tanzania)

Onyango Samuel Francis IMC (Kenya)

Mwanake Josephat Mwendwa IMC (Kenya)

Kidane Ashuro Abebe IMC (Ethiopia)

They belong to the first group of Consolata Missionaries' professed students sent to South Africa in 2008 for their theological studies. The finished studying at Cedara a year ago and were then sent for their "year of service" to Osizweni (Newcastle) and Daveyton (Johannesburg).

Mgr. José L. Ponce de León is a Consolata missionary who was ordained Bishop on April 18, 2009 at Mtubatuba (South Africa) and headed the Vicariate of Ingwavuma until the second half of November 2013, when the Holy Father Francis appointed him Bishop of Manzini, Swaziland.

08 dezembro 2013

Seniors Celebration at St. Andrew Parish

St. Andrew parish Pastoral council in conjunction with the social committee organized the annual seniors' luncheon on Saturday December 7, 2013. This celebration was open to those who are 65 years of age and older. We had entertainment and always a wonderful meal to share. 

The program began with the Eucharistic Celebration: Fr. José Fernandes IMC celebrated the Mass at 11:00 am. Fr Jose preached an inspiring homily to the Congregation by encouraging the seniors to be the Good news to their children, grand children and everyone they encounter in their community.

Soon after the Mass the seniors were greeted warmly in the parish hall. It was really an enriching, meaningful and entertaining adventure to the senior citizens.

The luncheon program began with a prayer and vote of thanks from the pastor Fr. José.

Many volunteers helped the seniors by serving a sumptuous home cooked turkeys prepared by the members of the parish and drinks. The background Christmas music made the Advent season alive and enriching.

On this wonderful day one could witness the enthusiasm and energy of the senior citizens as they celebrated the day that the St. Andrew community honors them and indeed belong to them.

The 12:30pm Mass Children's choir entertained the community with their beautiful Christmas Carols. Later one the seniors Mr. Fernandez extended a gratitude to all those who contributed in various ways towards making the event a grand success.

We wish all the seniors in our Parish and around the world a happy and holy season of Advent.


Paul Mageto

To see more photos, click here

06 dezembro 2013

"Let us now sing the praises of famous men"


Mama Graça Machel and the Mandela Family

President Jacob Zuma and the Government of South Africa

Fellow South Africans

We heard of the death of Rolihlahla Nelson Mandela with great sadness. Nonetheless we cannot help but call to mind the words of Scripture:

 "Let us now sing the praises of famous men, great men in their generations... They ruled their governments wisely, were known for their valour. Their counsel displayed wisdom, they saw things from afar." (Ecclesiasticus 44:1-3)

With these words we, the Catholic Church in Southern Africa, express our gratitude to uTata Mandela for the sacrifice he made for all peoples of South Africa and for the leadership and inspiration he gave in leading us on the path of reconciliation. He never compromised on his principles and vision for a democratic and just South Africa where all have equal opportunities, even at great cost to his own freedom. Despite great suffering throughout his life he did not answer racism with racism and his words at the treason trial still inspire:

 "I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities".

When Tata was released on 11th February 1990 the country was in turmoil and blood was being spilt almost daily. Through his leadership at that time, reinforced when he became President in 1994, he led the country on the path of reconciliation and peace, calling on South Africans to throw all arms of destruction into the sea. For this we shall always be indebted to him.

As with all people he made mistakes and had shortcomings – we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (cf. Romans 3:23). Thus, we commend him to the Lord and pray that he will rest in peace. May perpetual light shine on him.

We assure you, his family, friends and colleagues - as well as all South Africans - of our prayers for you and for our country. May you be consoled.

The greatest way we can acknowledge the life of Nelson Mandela is to strive for the ideals he cherished: freedom, equality and democracy, and to defend these ideals from those who would corrupt them.

Lala kakuhle Tata, sobonana kwelizayo.


+ Stephen Brislin

Archbishop of Cape Town

President of the Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference


26 novembro 2013


Pope Francis' first Apostolic Exhortation has been published: the Exhortation has five chapters of which the first one is "the missionary transformation of the Church". The Holy Father Francis asks the faithful the "courage" to find new signs and new symbols in a new flesh for the transmission of the Word.

THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew. In this Exhortation I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church's journey in years to come.

I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since "no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord".

Read the Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium" - THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL

21 outubro 2013

World Mission Sunday at Consolata Missionary Centre

Make disciples of all nations

Not long ago in 2004, the Consolata missionaries took a responsibility of working in the parish of St. Andrew. Today, new missionaries from Portugal, Kenya, and Columbia have been sent to work in the Mission Center and the Parish.


Today, World Mission Sunday, we are invited to reflect on our vocation as Christians and as missionaries by the virtue of our Baptism.


Blessed John Paul II writes in his encyclical Redemptoris Missio that the "The mission of Christ the Redeemer, which is entrusted to the Church, is still very far from completion…and that we must commit ourselves wholeheartedly to its service."


As the Church celebrates once again World Mission Sunday, we are reminded that this mission of the Church is not yet completed. As a matter of fact, Blessed John Paul II reminded the Church that the need for missionary activity is more urgent than ever.


During his midday audience on October 20, 2013 – World Mission Sunday – Pope Francis, once again reminded the faithful that the mission of the Church is "to spread in the world the flame of faith, which Jesus ignited in the world."


In a local setting, the Consolata Missionaries celebrated Holy Mass in the Missionary Center: about one hundred and fifty people attended. We were privileged to have Fr. Peter Turrone as a main celebrant, Fr. Michael Munywoki and Fr. Fernandes concelebrated, with Seminarian Yair Ligardo serving at the altar.


In his homily, Fr. Peter thanked the congregation for their continued spiritual and material support to the missionaries around the world. He also reflected on the generosity of all who contributed on the stain glass windows depicting the Founder of Consolata Missionaries, Blessed Joseph Allamano, and the first native North American Saint, Kateri Tekakwitha. He urged all the faithful to keep their work always in their prayers.


After Mass, all gathered for lunch to celebrate the occasion. It was a good opportunity for the community to share their experiences and in particular thanked the missionaries for their dedication and faithfulness in spreading the Good News.


But the Mission of the Church to announce the risen Christ and present among us does not end in our own parishes and dioceses. Christ commanded his disciples and, by extension, us, in the gospel of Matthew: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28: 19-20).


Now it is our challenge to respond to this call to bring the Gospel message every time and everywhere we are, through our words and deeds.

Paul Mageto

18 outubro 2013

Allamano and Tekakwita

The Chapel of the Consolata Missionaries Centre, in Toronto, has been enriched with two new stained glass windows: one dedicated to our Blessed Founder Joseph Allamano, and the other one dedicated to Kateri Tekakwitha, the patron saint of the native Americans.

This stained glass project started in 2003 and came to a close this past Tuesday, October 15th, 2013, with the installation of the two last windows.

We are very grateful to all the benefactors who contributed to make this possible: now everyone can pay homage to Blessed Joseph Allamano, the Founder of the Consolata Missionaries, and to the Flower of the Algonguins - the Lily of the Mohawks.

The work was completed by Joseph, a German artist from Artistic Glass Company who had also completed the previous windows.

The stained glass window of our Blessed Founder, Joseph Allamano, is particularly striking: We are pleased that it was installed prior to World Mission Sunday which we will celebrate this coming weekend.  Even though his feet never touched Canadian soil, his obedience to the Holy Spirit eventually led to arrival of the Consolata Missionaries in this country, bathed with the blood of the first Canadian martyrs.  

The window dedicated to Blessed Joseph Allamano is a small tribute to a man deeply in love with both God and humanity.

Fr. Peter Turrone

23 junho 2013

Consolata em Santo André, Toronto

No passado dia 20 a comunidade de Santo André, em Toronto, reuniu-se para festejar Nossa Senhora da Consolata.

Durante nove dias os missionários da Consolata alternaram-se em testemunhar o seu afecto por aquela que o Allamano disse ser a verdadeira Fundadora do Instituto Missionário da Consolata.

No dia da Festa, os seis missionários - 5 sacerdotes e um seminarista - reuniram-se á volta do altar e prestaram a sua grata homenagem á sua querida Consolata, juntamente com membros da comunidade paroquial juntamente com os estudantes e professores da escola Católica de Mons. John Corrigan.

Dois dos missionários presentes nasceram em Toronto: Os padres Peter Turrone e Marco Bagnarol.

04 maio 2013

This is a first!

Yes, the first Catholic translation of the New Testament in Zulu!

Congratulations and gratitude to all who made it possible: iNkosi inibusise!

14 abril 2013

Proencences em Toronto

Hoje foi o dia da minha entrada como Pároco de Santo André, em Etobicoke, Toronto.
Qual não foi a minha surpresa quando após a Missa das 12,30 (a quarta Missa das 8 de cada Domingo!), enquanto cumprimentava as pessoas à saída da Igreja me aparece este grupo de Proencences/Cimadenses: que maravilhosa surpresa! Como Deus é bom! Já me tinham ligado e até houve quem me visitou... Um enorme abraço desta gente maravilhosa de Toronto para Proença e arredores!

28 março 2013

carícia de Jesus

"Este sinal é uma carícia de Jesus, porque Jesus veio exactamente para isto: para nos servir e nos ajudar"

Papa Francisco I

(28 Março 2013)

13 março 2013

11 março 2013


Cheguei a Toronto (Canadá) ontem ao fim do dia, exactamente dois meses depois de ter deixado Madadeni (África do Sul).

Dois meses profundamente marcados pela partida da minha Mãe para o céu, no dia 12 de Janeiro de 2013. Dois meses marcados pela presença carinhosa fe familiares, confrades e amigos.

Um País novo, desafios novos, uma nova Missão - a missão de sempre: testemunhar o carinho de Deus que nos deu o seu Filho "para que tenham a vida em abundância".

06 janeiro 2013

Adeus África do Sul

Os caminhos do serviço á Missão de anunciar o Evangelho levam-me para sair da África do Sul e ser enviado para o Canadá: A minha chegada a Toronto, Canadá, está prevista para os primeiros dias de Fevereiro.

Hoje, festa da Epifania do Senhor, foi o dia da minha última Eucaristia com as comunidades de Madadeni reunidas na Igreja de Cristo Rei.
Amanhã é a partida para Pretória e, dois dias depois, para Portugal.

"Ide por todo o mundo..." - "O Espírito do Senhor está sobre mim, Ele me enviou a anunciar a Boa Nova"!